Monday, November 18, 2013

Week 6 & 7 - Building the House

Week 6 - Finishing the Base

So this week I had to finish blocking out the house which was pretty simple. I added the roof which is split into six different pieces, added the towers and their roofs and then because I had extra time I started to add some of the detail, mostly in the front piece of the roof and the trims going around its base. It ended up like this:

Week 7 - Adding the Details

Finally, I started adding the details to the house. I added the chimneys, increased the detail of the front center roof, added the railings and some ornamentation, created the pillars, and started work on the windows. Overall, its starting to look pretty awesome.

Week 4 & 5 - Floor Plans

Week 4 - Floor Plans

So this week was floor plans. Once again, design number two won and I had to make a floor plan for the basement, 1st floor, 2nd floor, and attic. I spent a while researching Victorian houses to make sure i knew what kinds of rooms to put in and where to put them, along the way learning some interesting things. In the end I came up with this:

First a basement room with a secret area for our evil father figure that includes an operating room.

The first floor, with lots of flashy rooms and a service area at the back of the house for servants.

The second floor, which is mainly living quarters for the family and has the only bathroom in the house (which was built in 1886).

And the attic, which has a long creepy hallway that leads to secret room for our evil dad.

So yeah, it was pretty interesting learning about that period in history and about the way they lived in their houses. I tried to be accurate with the house design, but in the end some stuff needed to be tweaked.

Week 5 - Floor Plans Revisited

So my floor plans lacked measurements and the basement wasn't entirely satisfactory, so I had to go back and redo those. I went out and bought a tape measure and used that to help me get a grasp on how big or small things were going to be. Here's what i ended up with:

The secret areas was completely separated from the main area and a cellar room was added.

Added measurements.

Added more measurements and slightly changed the layout.

And added even more measurements.

That's not all I did though. I used an interior design program I have to help me with the measurements and did some dollhouse views for the floors.


First Floor

Second Floor


I also had to start modeling it this week too. I started to get the basic shape of the house, just blocking it in at this point.

So there we have it. From pictures to a model, this house is starting to become a reality.