Monday, October 21, 2013

Week 01 - Mood Boards and Concepts

Week 1 of prototyping has us do three mood boards and either game mechanics or concept art. Being assigned to the creative team, I had to do three concepts for the location where our game takes place, on top of three mood boards.
For my mood boards I decided to go with three moods rather than the moods of the locations themselves. My first mood can be described as a place that looks and seems normal but feels off, or unsettling. I immediately thought of Gone Home and the mood that game evoked.

My second mood board was a more straight up horror feel similar to games like Amnesia, with dark environments and a use of small amounts of lighting.

My third mood board was more of a gothic horror type feel, similar to the mood of the movie Sleepy Hollow and Van Helsing. I thought this would be a good mood for exterior locations in particular.

Then there were the three concept pieces. My first concept is supposed to bridge going over a small river or stream with a mist/fog covered path leading up to it. I feel this concept has the mood of a quiet, creepy place that has a false sense of tranquility to it. 

My next concept is inspired by small European villages. I mostly took inspiration from the small narrow streets that they are known for.

My third concept is supposed to be a huge tomb for someone, similar to the ones built in the old medieval days for wealthy people. I think the concept ended up looking more like a church though.

And my final concept is a bay/harbor area with a partially sunken ship in the middle. Once again, this is supposed to be a quiet area that has a creepy quality to it.

And that's all. Hooray for my first ever blog post! I'll be putting up my other stuff for the class.

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